Northlakes High School

Opportunities for Future Success

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Year 11 English

2018 is the beginning of the new Stage 6 Syllabus for English. There have been many changes that students and parents should be aware of. 

One new focus for English is writing and writing in a range of text types. This means that students will be given more opportunities to read, interact with and experiment with their own textual creations, which will hopefully lead to a deeper understanding of the way in which language and expression are used in the communication of ideas, values and meaning.

Students now must engage in active reflection that is measured as a part of assessments. Active reflection requires students to think critically and reflectively on their learning, creating and editing process. They must learn to explain and to note not only what they are writing about, but how and why they have engaged in a range of language devices and techniques. Students must now move beyond an understanding of content and concept and must now explain and participate in the planning, implementing and publishing of those texts as well. 

Preliminary Course options

- Year 11 English Studies

In the English Studies course, students explore the ideas, values, language forms, features and structures of texts in a range of personal, social, cultural and workplace contexts. They respond to and compose texts to extend experience and understanding, access information and assess its reliability, and synthesise the knowledge gained from a range of sources for a variety of purposes.

- Year 11 English Standard

In the Preliminary English (Standard) course, students learn about language and literature by exploring and experimenting with the ways events, experiences, ideas and processes are represented in and through texts. Students study a range of texts which include prose fiction, drama, poetry, nonfiction, film, media and multimedia, as well as Australian texts.

- Year 11 English Advanced

In the Preliminary English (Advanced) course, students explore, examine and analyse a range of texts which include prose fiction, drama, poetry, nonfiction, film, media and multimedia, as well as Australian texts. They explore the ways events, experiences, ideas, values and processes are represented in and through texts and analyse the ways texts reflect different attitudes and values.

- Year 11 English Extension

This course is for students who study Advanced English. The course is only available to students by application and interview by Mrs Dunne, Head Teacher. 

In the Preliminary English (Extension) Course, students explore how and why texts are valued in and appropriated into a range of contexts. They consider why some texts may be perceived as culturally significant. In the Preliminary English (Extension) Course students are required to examine a key text from the past and itsmanifestations in one or more popular cultures. Students also explore, analyse and critically evaluate different examples of such appropriations in a range of contexts and media. The course has one mandatory section: Module: Texts, Culture and Value. Preliminary English (Extension) is a prerequisite for HSC English Extension Course 1


How do I choose my Senior English Subject?

During Year 10 subject selections, students will be asked to choose which level of English they wish to study based on their ability and future interests. Students who require an ATAR for future study will need to choose between Preliminary English Standard and Preliminary English Advanced. These subjects are a category A subject choice and will allow access to an ATAR at the conclusion of Year 12.

Students who choose the category B subject of Preliminary English Studies will be ineligible for an ATAR at the conclusion of their HSC.