Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) is a mandatory course for study in years 7-10. As well as the year 9 and 10 elective course of Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS), students in stage 6 may elect the 2 Unit HSC PDHPE course, as well as the 2 Unit Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR) course. We also offer a VET subject in Sports Coaching.
The PDHPE years 7-10 Syllabus has been designed so that students would typically achieve the standards described in the outcomes and content in 300 hours.
The aim of the PDHPE years 7-10 Syllabus is to develop students' capacity to enhance personal health and well-being, enjoy an active lifestyle, maximise movement potential and advocate lifelong physical activity.
Course content is broken up into 4 strands:
Strand 1: Self and Relationships
Strand 2: Movement Skill and Performance
Strand 3: Individual and Community Health
Strand 4: Lifelong Physical Activity
Students also learn to develop skills in Communicating, Decision Making, Interacting, Moving, Planning, Problem-Solving.