Northlakes High School

Opportunities for Future Success

Telephone02 4390 0555


Below is the link to the eSaftey website which has important information to help if you or your student is a victim of cyberbullying.

eSafety Commissioner


While research into cyber bullying is still in its infancy, the one thing we do know is the online environment is really just a new setting for age-old issues. Cyber bullying is an extension of face-to-face bullying. It's all about relationships. Find out more:


 Further helpful links for Parents / Carers and students

Think U Know website

Cyber Safety education for parents and carers. Advice on reputation management, reporting, resources and privacy. Click the link below for help.

Cybersafety for Parents


Unfortunately nothing you do online is 100% safe. Sometime things go wrong, it's important to understand steps you take to prevent them from happening and what you can do if things do go wrong.

Things that could go wrong include:

Putting stuff online you wish you hadn't. Seeing things you wish you hadn't. Hacking and viruses. Talking to people you don't know & mobile issues.

Think U Know has answers, Click the link for help.

Cybersafety for students